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Everest facts

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Everest is between theses 2 countries: ... (Nepal and India / India and China / Nepal and China)
Nepal and China
how long does it take to climb Mount Everest? (1 month / 9 - 15 days / 6-9 weeks)
6-9 weeks
How much does it cost to climb Mount Everest? ($70 000 / $66 000 / $58 000)
$66 000
There are about ..... (310 / 120 / 230) corpses - dead bodies on Mount Everest.
The oldest person to successfully climb Everest was… (56 / 70 / 64) years old
The youngest person to successfully climb Everest was… (15 / 20 / 18) years old
Everest got its name in ....( 1867 / 1840 / 1865)
The meaning of "Everest" is "the goddess of the .... (sky / earth / air)"
Mount Everest was formed… (40/ 50 / 60) million years ago
Mount Everest is known for being… (the oldest / the tallest / the coldest) mountain in the world
the tallest