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Present Perfect with for/since

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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in that store / worked / your brother / Has / _____ 3 months?
Has your brother worked in that store for 3 months?
has stopped / _____ six months. / She / smoking /
She has stopped smoking for six months.
any / hasn't had / food / This dog / _____ 5 o'clock.
This dog hasn't had any food since 5 o'clock.
_____ last Christmas / a / haven't had / We / party /
We haven't had a party since last Christmas.
You / drink / 3 cups of tea _____ you sat there.
You have drunk 3 cups of tea since you sat there.
Luisa / be / awake / 20 minutes.
Luisa has been awake for 20 minutes.
he / not brush / his teeth / two days.
He hasn't brush hisi teeth for two days.
Megan / not speak / English / she came back to France.
Megan hasn't spoken English since she came back to France.
I / have / this car / five years.
I have had this car for five years.
We / begin / to live in a new city / Christmas.
We have begun to live in a new city since Christmas.
it / rain / several hours
It has rained for several hours.
They / cook / many cakes / this morning.
They have cooked many cakes since this morning.
Miriam / watch TV / she finished her homework.
Miriam has watched TV since she finished her homework.
Lucas / live / in that apartment / nine months
Lucas has lived in that apartment for nine months.
Mercedes and Julia have played in the park _____ they arrived from school.
We have waited for our friend _____ a long time.
I haven't heard of you _____ you sent me your letter.
Has she been at school _____ this morning?
Have they lived in that house _____ a couple of years?
You have been in that school _____ 6 years.
I haven't seen my cat _____ last Tuesday.
They have been married _____ almost 20 years.
Michael hasn't visited her grandma _____ he moved to L.A.
Lisa has had her dog _____ two years.