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Spanish Weather Terms

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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las estaciones
the seasons
el invierno
el otoño
el verano
la primavera
It is thundering
It is drizzling
Está nevando
It is snowing
Va a nevar
It is going to snow
la nieve
It snows
Está lloviendo
It is raining
Va a llover
It is going to rain
la lluvia
It rains
Está despejado
It is clear
Está lluvioso
It is rainy
Está nublado
It is cloudy
Está oscuro
It is dark
Hay un vendaval
There is a windstorm
Hay lluvias torenciales
It is pouring
Hay granizo
It is hailing
Hay neblina
It is misty
Hay humedad
It is humid
Hay tormenta
It is stormy
Hay lloviznas
It is sprinkling
Hay nubes
It is cloudy
Hay relámpagos
There is lightning
Hay luna
The moon is out
Hay sol
It is sunny
Hay niebla
It is foggy
Hace mal tiempo
The weather is bad
Hace buen tiempo
The weather is nice
Hace fresco
It is cool
Hace sol
It is sunny
Hace viento
It is windy
Hace frío
It is cold
Hace calor
It is hot
¿Qué tiempo hace?
What is the weather like?