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Weather - unit4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It’s blowing/ pouring with rain. Let’s stay in and watch a film.
Wow! That lightning/ tornado during the storm last night was amazing! I could see the whole street even though it was dark.
The level of the river rose/poured quickly because it was raining so hard.
The wind’s blowing/pouring quite strongly. I don’t think we should go climbing today.
Have you ever seen a tornado/flood moving across the desert? It’s amazing how fast they can go.
There was a terrible flood/ lightening last year. The whole village was under water.
All / away / blew / my papers / in the wind /.
All my papers blew away in the wind.
Many / fell / in the earthquake / down / buildings /.
Many buildings fell down in the earthquake.
sun / come / soon / The / will / out /.
The sun will come out soon. / The sun will soon come out.
The / cleared / after an hour / rain / up /.
The rain cleared up after an hour.
hotel / burned / The / in a fire / down.
The hotel burned down in a fire.
forget / to / Don’t / the fire / put / out /.
Don’t forget to put out the fire.
A lot of trees f.... because of the tornado, and they hit many cars.
Winds of 100 kilometres an hour b.... during the tornado.
Water f...... into the streets, and the flood damaged lots of houses.
Because of the rain yesterday, the water levels in the river r....
Heavy rain p..... down for two days.
During the earthquake, the ground s.... and there was a loud noise.
a flash in the sky:
a very strong wind that can destroy buildings:
a situation when a large area is covered with water:
when the ground moves and creates a lot of damage:
a storm when a lot of snow falls: