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Vietnamese New Year

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What do people call the day they do a worship to end Tet holidays?
Hóa vàng
Where is the spiritual place that families often go to during Tet?
Pagodas or Temples
What do some big cities around the country do before New Year's Eve?
Shoot firework
What are the 2 popular flowers for Tet?
Yellow flowers and peach flowers
Name the 12 animals that stands for the 12 years
Tý, Sửu, Dần, Mão, Thìn, Tỵ, Ngọ, Mùi, Tân, Dậu, Tuất, Hợi
What is the national favourite comedy show broadcast during the night before the New Year's Eve?
Gặp nhau cuối năm (Year-end Gathering)
What are some traditional games during Tet? (Say 3 games)
bầu cua cá cọp, cờ tướng, ném còn, chọi trâu, and đá gà
What do people call the very first activity when the first guest visits the house?
xông đất or xông nhà
List out 3 common wishes for Tết
Sống lâu trăm tuổi An khang thịnh vượng Vạn sự như ý Sức khỏe dồi dào Tiền vô như nước Cung hỉ phát tài
What do you receive on the first day of the New Year?
Lucky money (Lì xì)
What do you call the snack that people serve guests during Tet holidays?
Candy fruit (Mứt)
What is the most special food for Tet?
The sticky rice cake (Bánh Chưng)
What kind of transportation that the 3 Kitchen Gods use?
3 Koi fish
What is the name of the tray of five different fruits?
Mâm ngũ quả
How many kinds of fruits on the tray of fruits on the altar?
What is the worship on the 23rd day of the twelfth month ?
The worship for 3 Kitchen Gods (Ông Táo)
What are the three periods of Tet?
Tất Niên (Before New Year’s Eve), Giao Thừa (New Year’s Eve), and Tân Niên (the New Year)
Besides decorating the houses and preparing food and new clothes, what else do people do before Tet?
Visit the graves of their ancestors
What colours are the symbol of Tet?
red and yellow
When does Tết take place?
Tết takes place from the first day of the first month of the Lunar calendar (around late January or early February) until at least the third day.
How do you say New Year in Vietnamese?