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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pizza isn't (MUCH BETTER/NEARLY BETTER/nowhere near as good as) french fries.
free answer but nearly better is wrong).
can you compare two things that are a little different from each other? use nearly as...as...
xxxxxxx is nearly as ........ as ........
what was the most exciting thing you've ever seen ? (use a modifying comparison)
by far
I have ( too/enough/too many/too much) good friends to rely on.
enough/too many
I have (TOO/TOO MUCH/TOO MANY/ENOUGH) things to do today. I'm really busy.
Make a sentence with "until¨"
Ex. I don't go to bed until....
make a sentence with "as soon as"
"as soon as"
If you don't wear a mask when you leave home...
you can get covid !
If I eat a rotten vegetable......
I have stomachache
Do you remember Murphy's law? What always happens when you take an umbrella?
when I take an umbrella, it never rains.
Is this sentence correct ? I'm seeing my parents tomorrow afternoon.
yes, because is an arrangemente and you can replace see by meet.
what's wrong with this sentence : I'm not seeing what you mean.
I don't see what you mean. (opinion)
I .......(want) a big cup of hot chocolate right now.
I want (static verb)
I ......(need) a new pair of shoes right now.
I need...static verb
I............(love) this candies I'm eating right now.
I am loving....
complete this sentence : I .....(learn) a lot of new things since this pandemic started.
I 've learned/'ve been learning a lot of new things since this pandemic started.
Complete the sentence: I.............(leave) home when it ......(start) to rain.
I.was leaving) home when it started to rain
Complete the sentence ............(face) my fear 4 years ago when I decided to do bungee jump.
I faced my fear 4 years ago when I decided to do bungee jump
Complete the sentence: I ........ (meet) my parents tomorrow at 4 pm.
I 'm meeting my parents tomorrow at 4 pm.
Complete the sentence: I .......... (study) English now.
I 'm studying English now.
complete the sentence: Every year I ......... to learn a new thing.
Every year I set a goal to myself to learn a new thing.
Have you set any goal to yourself this year ? What and why ?
yes I have...no I haven't because....
which are the ingredients of your favorite food ?
fruits, pasta, vegetables, rice....
what do you consider a time well spent ?
it´s when you like what you do....and...
what are the key qualities to be successful engineer ? tell at least 3
curious, truthful, creative, focused...
How do you prepare your favorite food/ how is your favorite food prepared ?
food preparation vocab...
Do you consider fusion food a trend ? why (not) ?
yes, I do.....because. / No I don't because
tell me 5 great accomplishments you've had in your life
I´ve (already).....