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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ________ (repair) my bike for the ride tomorrow, if I __________ (have) the right tools. (2nd conditional!)
would repair - had
He wouldn’t have missed the bus if he ___________ (not oversleep).
hadn't overslept
If you had asked me, I ____________ (help) you.
would have helped
I ________ (come) to your picnic if I ________ (not have) any work to do this weekend. (1st conditional!)
will come - don't have
When you _________ (not eat), you ________ (get) hungry.
don't eat - get
She would have been hurt in the car accident if she _____ (not wear) her seat belt.
hadn't worn
I wouldn't have stayed at the hotel if you _____ (not recommend) it to me.
hadn't recommended
If Robert ________ (go) to the party last week, I _________ (go) too.
had gone - would have gone
We _________ never be late again if we _______ (buy) a new car.
would - bought
If I ______ (be) a movie star, I _______ (marry) someone famous.
were - would marry
If she ________ (study) more, she ________ (pass) all her exams. (2nd conditional!)
studied - would pass
If you _____ (not lend) me the money last night, I ________ (buy) the ticket.
hadn't lent - wouldn't have bought
She ________ (have) more friends, if she _______ (not be) rude.
would have - weren't
If I ______ (have) enough money, I _______ (buy) a big house.
had - would buy
If you _________ (not speak) louder, no one will hear you.
don't speak
When my uncle _________(come) to visit, he NEVER _______ (give) us presents.
comes - gives
If you _______(study) hard, you NORMALLY ____ (get) good grades in school.
study - get
If Anna _______ (not/wear) a hat TODAY, she _______ (get) sunstroke.
doesn't wear - will get
If I ______ (be) late for class, my teacher ALWAYS _____ (get) angry.
am - gets