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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The boy with orange helmet is _______.
The boy with orange helmet is happier.
The woman with white hair is ________.
The woman with white hair is older.
The woman with pink t-shirt is ________.
The woman with pink t-shirt is younger.
Evenings are_______ than mornings.
Evenings are darker than mornings.
The apple is _______ than the orange.
The apple is lighter than the orange.
The orange is ________ than the apple.
The orange is heavier than the apple.
The man on the right is ________.
The man on the right is fatter.
The man on the left is _________.
The man on the left is thinner.
The girl with orange hair is_______than the other girl.
The girl with orange hair is shorter than the other girl.
The girl with orange t-shirt is _______ than the other girl.
The girl with orange t-shirt is taller than the other girl.
The boy is ______ than the girl.
The boy is lazier than the girl.
The girl is __________ than the boy.
The girl is more hardworking than the boy.
The man with green shorts is ________ than the man with blue shorts.
The man with green shorts is stronger than the man with blue shorts.
The girl is _______ than the boy.
The girl is cleverer than the boy.
The man with blue shorts is _______ than the man with green shorts.
The man with blue shorts is weaker than the man with green shorts.
The man is ________ than the dragon.
The man is lighter/smaller/shorter than the dragon.
The dragon is _______ than the man.
The dragon is heavier/taller/bigger than the man.
The girl with empty basket is _______ than the other girl.
The girl with empty basket is shorter than the other girl.
The girl with full basket is ________ than the other girl.
The girl with full basket is taller than the other girl.