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Fun Facts about Wine

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Don’t keep your wine bottle _____ – this can cause the cork to dry, shrink and oxygen/air might get in the bottle.
standing up
A standard glass of dry red wine contains around _____ calories for white there can be _____.
110 red, 160 white
There is more alcohol in _____ than wine.
Intense fear or hatred of wine is called _____.
One bottle of wine contains about _______ kg of grapes.
Poor quality _____ tends to produce better wine.
In ancient Rome it was forbidden for _____ to drink wine.
WOMEN. NB: If a husband found his wife drinking wine he would be allowed, by law, to kill her.
Since wine tasting is essentially wine smelling, _____ tend to be better wine tasters because they have a better sense of smell than _____.
Women are better tasters than men
_____ wine can be made from red & white grapes.
Putting ice and _____ in a bucket will chill white wine or Champagne faster.
The oldest preserved bottle of wine is nearly 1700 years old, and it is on display in a _____ museum.
The lip of a red wine _____ is sloped inward to capture the aromas of the wine and deliver them to your nose.
The wreck of the _____ holds the oldest wine cellar in the world and despite the wreckage and the depth, the bottles are still intact.
_____ has more chardonnay grapes than any place in the world.
In Japan there is a spa where you can swim in ____, ____, and wine.
tea, coffee
Wine is _____-free and cholesterol-free.