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[Grammar] Simple Past + Past Continuous

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When they _____ (arrive), we ______ (wait) for the bus.
arrived ~ were waiting
When Sam ______ (find) some money, he ______ (walk)
found ~ was walking
When they _____ (be) in Italy, they ______ (live) in France.
were ~ were living
We ______ (call) the police when the neighbors ________ (sing) karaoke.
were calling ~ sang
I _____ (watch) TV when she _____ (call) me.
was watching ~ called
Jimmy and I _____ (run) from the house to the taxi when it _____ (rain).
were running ~ rained
It ______ (not/rain) when I _______ (go) out.
wasn't raining ~ went
When I _____ (meet) Sam, he _____ (drink) a soda.
met ~ was drinking
When we _____ (get) there, they ______ (paint) the house.
got ~ were painting.
I _____ (break) my leg when I ______ (skate)
broke ~ was skating
When I _____ (wake) up, the birds _____ (sing).
woke ~ were singing
He ______ (work) in a bank when he _____ (meet) his wife.
was working ~ met
When I ______ (leave) the house, it ______ (snow)
left ~ was snowing
When Tom ________ (take) the pen, Jessica ______ (play) with it.
took ~ was playing
He _________ (buy) at the supermarket when it ________ (start) to rain.
was buying ~ started
He _____ (take) a shower when the telephone _________ (ring)
was taking ~ rang
We ______ (play) tennis when John _________ (hurt) his leg.
were playing ~ hurt
Susie __________ (watch) a film when she _______ (hear) a loud noise.
was watching ~ heard
I __________ (sit) in a coffee shop when you ________ (call).
was sitting ~ called
What __________ (you/do) when I ___________ you last night?
were you doing ~ called