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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kemba loves to travel when he has free time. How can you learn more about Kemba's travels?
Where do you like to travel? Who dod you travel with? What places have you traveled to? When is your next trip? Where do you want to travel?
Damon enjoys shopping. What questions can you ask to learn more about Damon's shopping interest?
What do you like to shop for? Where do you go shopping? Who do you go shopping with?
Nina loves to cook. What questions can you ask to learn more about Nina's cooking?
What do you like to cook? Who do you cook for?
Gemma loves to read. What can you ask Gemma to learn more about her interest in reading?
What do you like to read? When do you like to read? What is your favorite book?
Jeff likes to play sports What can you ask Jeff to learn more about this interest?
What is your favorite sport? Do you play on any teams?
Monica has a sister. What can you ask Monica to learn more about her sister?
What is your sister's name? How old is your sister? What do you and your sister like to do together?
Taylor has a dog. What can you ask Taylor to learn more about her dog?
What is your dog's name? What kind of dog do you have? What do you like to do with your dog? What kind of dog do you have?