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Complete PET Unit 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you need to go horse-riding? (3 words)
a horse, a saddle, comfortable clothes and shoes, a safe place to ride
What do you need to go on a trip to another city? (3 words)
means of transport, something to eat or some money to buy food and water, a map, a guidebook, a gps, a smartphone, a camera
What do you need to play tennis? (3 words)
a partner, a net, a racket, a ball, a court
What do you need to play basketball? (3 words)
two teams, a ball, a basket, a course
What do you need to go hiking? (3 words)
comfortable shoes, a backpack, some water, comfortable clothes, walking sticks
What do you need to play music? (3 words)
a musical instrument: the guitar, the piano, the violin, the keyboard, the recorder,etc.
What do you need to take photoes? (3 words)
a camera, a phone, nice view, good light
What do you need to play football? (3 words)
two teams, goals, a ball, a field/pitch
What do you need to cook dinner? (3 words)
a cooker, an oven, a pot, a frying pan, a knife, ingredients,
What do you need to go camping? (3 words)
a tent, a torch, a sleeping bag, a backpack
What do you need to paint a picture? (3 words)
Some paper, a brush, some paint, easel or a table
What do you need to play chess? (3 words)
a board, pieces, a table, a partner
What do you need to go cycling? (3 words)
bicycle, helmet, comfortable clothes / shoes, gloves