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Irregular Verb practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hannah ____(see) her friend in town.
Hannah saw her friend in town.
I ___ (send) the email yesterday.
I sent the email yesterday.
My mum _____ (say) she has to go out tomorrow.
My mum said she has to go out tomorrow.
I ______ (know) all the answers in the science test.
I knew all the answers in the science test.
I didn't go to school because I _____(have) a headache.
I didn't go to school because I had a headache.
The film _______(begin) at half past four.
The film began at half past four.
Yesterday, I ____(bet) my friend 5€ that France would win the rugby match.
Yesterday, I bet my friend 5€ that France would win the rugby match.
My dad _____(buy) three boxes of pasta in the supermarket.
My dad bought three boxes of pasta in the supermarket.
Last night I ________ (dream) that I ______ (be) a superhero.
Last night I dreamt/dreamed that I was a superhero.
I _______ (cut) my cousin's hair in lockdown
I cut my cousin's hair in lockdown
The sunflowers ________ (grow) in the garden.
The sunflowers grew in the garden.
The phone _____(ring) for thirty seconds.
The phone rang for thirty seconds.
I ____(meet) my best friend when we _____(be) both six.
I met my best friend when we were both six
Ben ____(hurt) himself on the swings.
Ben hurt himself on the swings.
We _____(fly) to the USA last summer.
We flew to the USA last summer.
This morning I _____ (do) a handstand in the playground.
This morning I did a handstand in the playground.
Yesterday the gymnastics team ______(go) to a competition
Yesterday the gymnastics team went to a competition
I didn't understand the homework. Did you? - Yes I___(understand).
- Yes I understood.
I ________ (ride) a horse on holiday.
I rode a horse on holiday.
My friend _______ (read) the book for school
My friend read the book for school
Last year on Halloween, my parents ______ (tell) me ghost stories.
Last year on Halloween, my parents told me ghost stories.
What did that noise mean? It ____ (mean) that the cake is ready!
What did that noise mean? It meant that the cake is ready!
My brother ______ (teach) me to play video games
My brother taught me to play video games
My grandfather ________ (make) my birthday cake.
My grandfather made my birthday cake.
Last year I ____ (lose) my favourite jumper.
Last year I lost my favourite jumper.
Yesterday I ______ (break) a window and my mum _______ (be) angry
Yesterday I broke a window and my mum was angry