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Buying tickets -kupowanie biletow

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Czy chcia艂bys przewodnik?
Just the ticket, please.
Prosz臋 tylko bilet.
Kup 3 bilety do oceanarium.
Can I have 3 tickets to the acquarium, please?
Kup bilet do zoo.
Can I have one ticket to the zoo, please?
get a ticket
kupi膰 bilet
Oto twoje bilety.
Here are your tickets.
To tw贸j bilet.
Here's your ticket.
Prosz臋 (podaj膮c co艣)
Here you are.
Bilet kosztuje 3 funty 60 pens贸w.
That's three pounds sixty.
Kup bilet na basen.
Can I have a ticket for the swimming pool?
1 bilet kosztuje 3 funty 20 pens贸w.
That's three pounds 20 pense.
Kup 1 bilet do kina.
Can I have 1 ticket to the cinema, please?
Jeden bilet kosztuje 11 funt贸w 50 pens贸w. 2 bilety b臋d膮 kosztowa膰.....
That's 23 pounds.
Kup 2 bilety na mecz pi艂ki no偶nej.
Can I have two tickets for the football match?
Jeden bilet kosztuje 5 funt贸w i 50 pens贸w. 3 bilety b臋d膮 kosztowa艂y.....
That's sixteen pounds fifty.
Zapytaj, w czym mozesz pom贸c.
Can I help you?
Kup 3 bilety do teatru.
Can I have three tickets to the theatre, please?