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Social Skills Game: Convo Starters/Scenarios

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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**Scenario: It is your first day of high school. Introduce yourself: Say your name and your grade.
(Hello) my name is _________________ and I am a 9th grader/ freshman.
Scenario: You are finished with your lunch when you notice someone has dropped trash on the floor. Politely remind them to pick up the trash.
Please pick up your trash. // Excuse me, you dropped your trash. Please pick it up.
Scenario: It is the last week of school and you want your classmate to sign your yearbook. How do you ask them to sign your yearbook?
Will you sign my yearbook, please? // Please sign my yearbook. // Do you want to sign my yearbook?
Scenario: You are at graduation and your name is called to get your diploma/certificate. What should you do next?
Walk to the stage, shake hands with the adult up front and say thank you.
Scenario: You see a classmate is not wearing their mask properly. How do you politely tell them to fix their mask?
Fix your mask, please. // Please wear your mask correctly.
Scenario: You are in class and feel very thirsty but you forgot your water bottle. Ask your teacher if you can go get water.
May I get some water, please? // I am thirsty. May I get some water, please?
Scenario: You see a classmate trip. What can you say to check if they are okay?
Are you okay? // Are you alright? // Are you hurt?
Scenario: You notice your friend has a new haircut. How can you tell them that you like their haircut?
"I like your haircut // Your haircut looks cool/awesome/nice"
Scenario: You are in your class and forgot to charge your chromebook. Ask an adult for a charger.
May I borrow a charger, please? // May I have a charger, please?
Scenario: You are on a field trip and you are walking around the gift shop. Ask the cashier how something costs.
How much is this? / What is the price of this?
Scenario: You are eating at a friend's house and you need more water. How do you ask for more water?
May I have more water, please?
Scenario: You are taking a test and run out of scratch paper. How do you ask for more paper?
May I have more paper, please?
Scenario: You are in class but you feel sick. How do you tell your teacher you feel sick?
"Mr./Ms. _____ I feel sick."
Scenario: You are sitting in class and you do not understand a question. How do you ask a teacher/other adult for help?
(Raise my hand and wait to be called) "Excuse me, I need help please."
Scenario: You are walking in the hallway when someone is in your way. What can you say so you can walk through them?
Excuse me. I need to pass here. // Excuse me, I need to get through.
Scenario: You have a question to ask, but your teacher is still explaining something. What should you do?
Raise your hand, and wait to be called on. Then ask the question. // Raise your hand before asking a question.
Scenario: Someone is looking at your paper during a test. Tell them not to look at your paper.
Please do not look at my paper.
Scenario: Someone is kicking your chair behind you. Tell them to stop.
Please stop kicking my chair.
Scenario: You are eating lunch when a classmate asks to sit at your table. Tell them they can sit there.
Yes, you can sit at this table. // Yes you can sit here.
Scenario: You are at lunch and find a table to sit at. Ask your classmate if you can sit at the table.
Can I sit at this table (with you)?
Scenario: Your classmate asks "May I borrow your book?" Tell them they can borrow your book.
Yes, you can borrow my book.
Scenario: You forgot your book. Ask your classmate if you can borrow their book.
May I borrow your book, please?
Scenario: Your friend says "I feel hungry." Tell them you are hungry too.
I am hungry too. // I feel hungry too.
Scenario: Your friend says "I feel tired." Tell them you are tired too.
I am tired too.
Scenario: You are feeling tired. What do you say to let others know you are tired?
I feel tired
Scenario: You cannot hear what someone just said. Ask them to repeat it.
Can you repeat that, please?
Scenario: You forgot your pencil at home. Ask your classmate to borrow a pencil.
May I borrow a pencil, please?
Scenario: Your classmate asks to borrow a pencil. Tell them you will let them borrow your pencil.
Sure, you can borrow my pencil.
Scenario: You are a new student in class. Someone asks what your name is. Tell them your name.
My name is _________________
Scenario: Your classmate asked if you want to hangout. How can you answer them?
Sure. Let me ask my parents first. // Sorry, I cannot hangout today.
Scenario: It is almost the weekend. Ask your friend/classmate if they want to hangout.
Do you want to hangout?
Scenario: You see a new person in your class. Tell them your name then ask them what their name is.
Hi, I'm __________________ what is your name?
Scenario: The server says "can I get you anything else?" What can you say?
No, that is all thank you. /// Yes, I would like ______________ please.
Scenario: You are server at a restaurant. Everyone has finished their food. Ask what dessert they would like.
What dessert would you like?
Scenario: You are at the table but you cannot reach the food. Ask someone to pass you the food.
Will you please pass the food? // Please, pass the food.
Scenario: You just finished eating. You want to tell the cook that it was delicious. Tell them the food was delicious.
The food was delicious (thank you).
Scenario: You notice a big pile of dishes are in the sink. You want to help your parent. Ask them if they need help with the dishes.
Do you need help with the dishes?
Scenario: You are all done eating dinner and you want to be excused. What do you say?
May I be excused, please?
Scenario: Your classmate's chair is in the way. You cannot pass them. Ask them to push in their chair.
Please, push in your chair. // Will you please push in your chair?
Scenario: It is almost summer break. You want to know where your friend would like to travel. Ask them where they like to travel.
I'd like to travel to ___________
Scenario: You want to know what someone likes to do for fun. Ask them what they like to do for fun.
What do you like to do for fun?
Scenario: You want to ask your friend if they want to hangout. Ask them if they want to hangout?
Do you want to hangout (today)?
Scenario: You know that your friend likes sports. Ask a question about sports.
What kind of sports do you like?