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My Mum is Fantastic!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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change a tire
My mom can/can't change a tire.
wash the dishes
My mom can/can't wash dishes.
jump rope
My mom can/can't jump rope.
do a cartwheel
My mom can/can't do a cartwheel.
bake a pie
My mom can/can't bake a pie.
ride a horse
My mom can/can't ride a horse.
play chess
My mum can/can't play chess.
play tennis
My mum can/can't play tennis.
play basketball
My mum can/can't play basketball.
play football
My mum can/can't play football.
My mum can/can't write.
My mum can/can't read.
play the trumpet
My mum can/can't play the trumpet.
play the piano
My mum can/can't play the piano.
play cards
My mum can/can't play cards.
My mum can/can't jump
climb trees
My mum can/can't climb trees.
My mum can/can't fly.
drive a car
My mum can/can't drive a car.
tell stories
My mum can/can't tell stories.
My mum can/can't ski.
My mum can/can't draw.
bake cakes
My mum can/can't bake cakes.
My mum can/can't swim.
ride a bike
My mum can/can't ride a bike.
My mum can/can't paint.
My mum can/can't dance.
My mum can/can't sing.
My mum can/can't cook.
build lego houses
My mum can/can't build Lego houses.
My mum can/can't run.
play computer games
My mum can/can't play computer games.