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Name It - Europe Edition

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 European countries which are not members of European Union
Switzerland, Norway, Belarus, United Kingdom, Albania, Serbia
Where is Bullerbyn?
in Sweden
Where is the Moomins Museum?
in Finland
Name 4 European capital cities
Rome, Paris, Prague, Copenhagen
Where does Krtek come from?
The Czech Republic
Name 4 countries which don't lie at the seaside
The Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Slovakia
What is the smallest country in Europe?
Vatican City
Name 2 countries where people use more than one language
Switzerland, Belgium, Belarus, Ireland
Name a country where Porsche cars are made
Name 4 countries which set up European Union
Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Germany, Italy
Name 5 countries which lie at the seaside
Poland, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Portugal
Name 3 countries which are made of small islands
Greece, Croatia, Denmark
Name 5 countries in which you can pay with euros
Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Spain
Name 3 Scandinavian countries
Norway, Sweden, Finland
Name 4 countries which lie at the Mediterranean Sea
France, Italy, Greece, Montenegro, Albania, Andorra
Name 4 countries which have more than 3 neighbors
Poland, Germany, Austria, Italy, France
Name 4 countries which have only one neighbor
Portugal, Ireland, Vatican, Monaco
Name 4 countries in which the Alps lie
Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland,
Name 3 countries the names of which start with S
Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Serbia
Name 3 countries which are monarchies
the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Andora, Monaco
Name 3 countries which are islands
Ireland, Cyprus, Malta