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Once Upon a Time...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fairy tales usually take place in a ________ land
far away
Who are the magic characters that usually help the other characters?
Where did Cinderella meet the Prince?
At the ball
What did Little Red Riding Hood carry?
a basket full of food for granny
Cinderella lived in a castle
What is this?
a magic wand
Name an element in Goldilocks and the three bears
Bowl, chair, armchair, bed, hut
Name the story: apple
Snow White
Name the story: magic capet
Name the story: magic shoe
Fairy tales usually end with this phrase:
They lived happily ever after.
Name, at least, two typical fairy tale settings
forest/woods, castle, tower, hut
Name four typical fairy tale characters
fairy, prince, wicked witch, a talking animal
Do fairy tales take place in big, crowded cities?
Fairy tales usually begin with this phrase:
Once upon a time....
What type of elements can we find in fairy tales? Name some
Enchanted elements such as: spells, magic beans, magic wands, swords, mirrors