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Past Continuous (vs Past Simple)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She accidentally ... (hit) her eye this morning while she ... (put) on makeup.
She accidentally hit her eye this morning while she was putting on makeup.
She ... (write) an e-mail to her friend when her boyfriend ... (visit) her.
She was writing an e-mail to her friend when her boyfriend visited her.
While we ... (camp) in the forest, the bear ... (attack) our tent.
While we were camping in the forest, the bear attacked our tent.
It ... (rain) hail all day today.
It ... was raining hail all day today.
The Johnsons ... (not/be) in the house when the fire ... (start).
The Johnsons weren't in the house when the fire started.
He ... (know) how to play the guitar when he ... (be) younger.
He knew how to play the guitar when he was younger.
The phone ... (ring) while she ... (paint) her nails.
The phone rang while she was painting her nails.
The professor ... (check) the exams when one of the students ... (come) to ask him a question.
The professor was checking the exams when one of the students came to ask him a question.
My cat ... (sleep) on my bed when my brother ... (scare) her.
My cat was sleeping on my bed when my brother scared her.
We ... (sit) in the park most of the time.
We were sitting in the park most of the time.
The kids ... (play) in the garden when it suddenly ... (begin) to rain.
The kids were playing in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
The dog ... (catch) a frisbee while we ... (walk) in the park.
The dog caught a frisbee while we were walking in the park.
Yesterday at 5pm my mom ... (read) a book.
Yesterday at 5pm my mom ... was reading a book.
What ... your sister ... (give) your mom for a birthday gift?
What did your sister give your mom for a birthday gift?
While Tom ... (work) in the office, his friends ... (cook) dinner in the kitchen.
While Tom was working in the office, his friends were cooking dinner in the kitchen.
We ... (not/cycle) all day.
We weren't cycling all day.
... Alan ... (dance) when you ... (arrive) at the party?
Was Alan dancing when you arrived at the party?
The dogs ... (not/play) outside when the earthquake ... (happen).
The dogs weren't playing outside when the earthquake happened.
At what time yesterday ... you ... (eat) dinner?
At what time yesterday were you eating dinner?
The door ... (close) while I ... (dance) with my boyfriend.
The door closed while I was dancing with my boyfriend.
When you ... (come) I ... (sit) in the garden.
When you came I was sitting in the garden.
She ... (take) a bath and her husband ... (play) poker in the casino.
She was taking a bath and her husband was playing poker in the casino.
I ... (do) my homework for nearly three hours.
I ... was doing my homework for nearly three hours.
I .... (eat) breakfast when someone (ring) the doorbell.
I was eating breakfast when someone rang the doorbell.
I ... (play) on the computer when the power... (go) out.
I was playing on the computer when the power... went out.