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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Everybody likes pizza,
don't they?
Somebody took my phone,
didn't they?
Marga studies in UABC
doesn't she?
We swam super fast,
didn't we?
We won't be late,
will we?
They've flown in that airline,
haven't they?
Mary has written him an email,
hasn't she?
Pass me my phone,
will you?
I'm wrong,
aren't I?
You have three sisters,
don't you?
They're not American,
are they?
It isn't raining there today,
is it?
It has been hot lately,
hasn't it?
Your sister would accept it,
wouldn't she?
He came to class yesterday,
didn't he?
You didn't go out last night,
did you?
I am doing it right,
aren't I?
Let's make a pizza,
shall we?
You will go,
won't you?
Pablo ate my sandwich,
didn't he?
You won't tell my dad,
will you?
He loves you,
doesn't he?
You can't speak French,
can you?
He wasn't there,
was he?
She can ride a bicycle,
can't she?