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Financial Literacy-6th Grade

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Money placed into a checking or savings account in a bank (you fill out a ___________ slip when you put money into your account)
The total amount of money in a bank account (account balance or overdraft)
account balance
An amount of money subtracted from a bank account balance (debit or deposit)
An account at a bank that allows a person to deposit or withdraw money and write checks to pay for goods and services
checking account
A table for recording information about checks written on a bank account
check register
A slip of paper that is filled out to allow a bank to take money from a checking account to pay for a purchase
A card, issued by a bank, store, or other business, that is used to borrow money or buy goods and services on credit; consumers make regular payments to repay the bank, store, or business
credit card
A card issued by a bank that a consumer uses to pay for purchases with money from a checking account
debit card
Things that are required in order to live
A loan to purchase a home or other real estate
A number assigned to a person that indicates to lenders their ability to repay a loan
credit score
The ability to understand how money works in the world
financial literacy
Things that add comfort and pleasure to your life (you don't need them, you __________ them)
The price paid for the use of borrowed money
When you spend more money than you have (debt or surplus)
Money you save for a long period of time
Long-term savings
Setting money aside for a short period of time
Short-term savings
Money you are setting aside
When you have unexpected things happen that require money (medical emergency, automobile accident, unplanned travel)
Unplanned expenses
Expenses that change every month (Groceries, clothing, fuel, entertainment, eating out)
Variable expenses
The same expenses you have every month (Mortgage(s), Rent, Lease / car loan payment)
Fixed expenses
The wants and needs a person spends money on (income or expenses)
Money earned from work you have done (income or expenses)
A finance plan or a plan for your money: Income, expenditures, and savings
Personal budget