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Vietnamese Food 2

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Famous fish dish from southern VN
Cá lóc nướng trui
This dish comes from the highlands...like Da Lat and Sa Pa
cơm lam
Dish from Northern VN made with pork
chả lá lốt
Famous bún dish from Northern VN
bún mọc
Easy question....noodles from Huế
bún bò huế
One of the famous dishes from Hội An
cao lầu hội an
This is street food, especially in Da Nang and Central VN
bánh đập
A famous dish from Đà Nẵng
Chả Bò Đà Nẵng
This dish is famous in Vung Tau
Bánh khọt Vũng Tàu
This sweet dish is made in Quảng Nam
bánh tổ quảng nam
This type of porridge is famous all over Vietnam
Cháo Lòng
Roasted bananas
chuối nướng
You can find this dish in Saigon
bánh ống lá dứa
This noodle dish made with fish is found all over southern Vietnam
bún cá lóc
This dish is found in Hà Tiên
Bún kèn Hà Tiên
This rice dish is found in Đồng Tháp
Cơm gói lá sen – Đồng Tháp
This soup is from An Giang.
Cách nấu canh chua cá Linh bông điên điển
This delicious food is from An Giang.
Bánh bò thốt nốt An Giang
Do you like Durian? Then you will like this cake from sóc trăng.
bánh pía sóc trăng
What is the name of this dish?
bánh tầm bì
What is this fish dish from kiên giang?
gỏi cá trích kiên giang
What food is this?
dừa tắc
What food is this?
bột chiên
What is this food?
phá lấu