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Vocabulary in Context

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My friend and her two COMPANIONS love playing games. They are always happy to play together.
Only people with a lot of money can afford LUXURIOUS hotels near the ocean.
rich, expensive
spotlessly clean
The captain was able to NAVIGATE the ship, even through the rough waters.
direct, steer
lose control
The MINIATURE Statue of Liberty was on the small shelf.
small representation, tiny
large representation, big
medium representation
shelving books
The ARROGANT prince bragged about his riches. He thought he was better than everyone else.
think you're superior to others
think you're kind
think you're funny
think you're boring
The boy was NONCHALANT even though his father threatened to take away his gaming system.
scared, frightened
The hiker's finally reached the mountain's SUMMIT.
the highest point
the forest
the lowest point
the middle of the mountain
The PEDESTRIAN looked both ways before crossing the street.
a person walking
a bike rider
person driving a car
a chicken
The eagle SOARED above the mountain tops.
to fly high
to fly low
to build a next
to lay eggs
The soldier stood PETRIFIED with fear after seeing the destruction.
paralyzed with emotion, frozen
hurt, injured
heavy snow
The boy worried what his teacher would think of him for lying, knowing how MORAL he was.
concerned about right and wrong
dentist office
taking a test
The DEFENSE players tried their best, but the other team still scored.
players who block the opposing team
players who score
the fans in the stadium
a tie
Michael is very ENERGETIC. He can run miles before getting tired.
full of energy
an athlete
a runner in a marathon
a track runner
It was an INSULT to the woman, when the child said that her cookies were gross.
something said to hurt someone
something said to be nice
to make a joke
to compliment
After doing much research, the woman learned that her ANCESTORS are from Germany.
relatives that came many many many years before you
relatives that came for Thanksgiving last year
cousins that visit
I am an AMATEUR at painting. With a lot of practice, I will get better.
We made a $100 PROFIT from the fund raiser.
money made from selling something
money that was lost
broke even, didn't make any money
lost all the money
Our OPPONENT showed up for the game late!
person or team you're playing against
a person on your team
the fans
The TENANT made sure to pay on time every month. He was very responsible with his landlord.
a person renting a house or apartment
a person that owns the house or apartment
a person sleeping in a hotel
a person staying with family
The NARRATOR's voice was perfect for the thrilling story.
the teller of a story
the listener of a story
The newborn baby was ALERT.
wide awake and attentive
It’s my grandpa’s OPINION that my grandma makes the best blueberry pancakes in the county.
belief (not a fact)
I spotted an alligator in the MARSH.
swampy land
dry land
Because the student did so well on the spelling bee, she will ADVANCE to the next round of the competition.
go forward to the next level
go backward
On Saturday I will go to Target and Ralph’s to APPLY for a summer job.
to sign up for
to clean up
I will COMBINE all the ingredients to make the most delicious Christmas cookies.
to mix together
to separate
The boy HESITATED before walking into the store, because he had forgotten what he needed to buy.
to pause
to go
The student AVOIDED going into class because he was nervous to see his classmates.
to stay away from
to join something
The cat died because it had a DISEASE that we weren’t able to treat.
A serious illness
Totally healthy
Panda bears are ENDANGERED species.
Close to going extinct
They are very common and safe living everywhere
My brother yelled at me when he lost the game, which MAGNIFIED his problem and got him into trouble.
to make bigger
to make smaller
If I get accused of taking the girl’s iPhone, I will DENY it.
to not accept fault - say I didn't do it
to accept fault - say I did it
My mom said that we could ADOPT a puppy on Saturday.
to accept as your own
to not want
My mom PERMITTED me to go to the dance because I did all of my homework the week before.
to not allow
After the boy climbed to the top of the massive BOULDER, he laid down and rested on it for a while.
a large rock
a tiny pebble