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Famous places in the city of Rome

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In Rome there is usually heavy traffic and cars must respect ...
traffic lights
A decorative piece of art made from the assembling of small pieces of colored glass or stone. At Basilic of Santa Maria Trastevere you can find the best ones in Rome.
Where did gladiators fight?
At the Colosseum
At Galleria Borghese you can find one of Bernini`s masterpieces. What is its name?
Apollo und Daphne
Which square was built on the site of a stadium and follows the form of the stadium?
Navona Square
What is the name of the part of the street where people walk along?
Where did people get together in the ancient Rome?
At the Forum
At Villa Farnesina Rafael painted on the ceiling of the loggia or ground floor. How do you call this king of paintings in the airy space?
Who made this sculpture of Moses?
In Palazzo Massimo you can find a man resting. Who is he?
A boxer
This is the place where the mayor works
Town hall
Where can you find these 135 steps?
Spain Square
You can choose your own pizza toppings at a traditional...
pizza restaurant
What is the name of this bridge?
Angel Bridge
What is the name of this famous castle?
Julius II Castle
What is the name of the white lines at a crossroads?
Pedestrian crossing
What do you have to do in the Trevi Fountain if you want to come back to Rome?
You have to throw a coin into the fountain.