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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The hottest month of the year, and the month school begins again.
__ __ G U S T
A crab has two big pinchers, also known as _____.
C L __ __ S
What do you turn on to get water from the sink?
F __ __ C E T
What is a baby deer called?
F __ __ N
"It's my _____", said Dean. "I knocked the vase over."
F __ __ L T
Who flies into space in a rocket ship?
A S T R O N __ __ T
The opposite of 'nice' on Santa's list.
N __ __ G H T Y
What tool would you use to cut a 2X4 in half?
S __ __
A bird of prey with broad wings and a hooked beak.
H __ __ K
What it is called when ice melts.
T H __ __
Another word for the season we call 'Fall'.
__ __ T U M __
The police will ticket you if you break the _____?
L __ __
Hit this button to stop your movie so you can go get a drink.
P __ __ S E
What it's called when a lion or bear attacks you.
M __ __ L
What you do with paper and pencil or crayons.
D R __ __
When you pull a rope really tight it is _____.
T __ __ T
What a ghost supposedly does to a house.
H __ __ N T
What do you call an animal's foot?
P __ __
How does a baby get around before it learns to walk?
C R __ __ L
What do you put on spaghetti noodles to make them tasty?
S __ __ C E