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Higher 3 - Higher Track 3 - Review PC 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I've ________ my class schedule mentally lots of times to memorise it. a) plan out b) written down c) gone over
c) gone over
Every day I ______ the things I've done. a) line up b) plan out c) cross off
c) cross off
So _______ avoid wasting water, turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth.
as to
We use rainwater ________ clean the patio.
to / in order to
Before we bought the house, a flood had damaged the basement. Before we bouth the house, the basement _________________.
... the basement had been damaged by a flood
"Climate change has seriously affected the environment." "The environment __________________."
The environment has been seriously affected by climate change.
The meeting between these two leaders has _______ importance. a) symbolic b) washed-up c) sensible
a) symbolic
It is expected that _________ countries help the poor ones when there is a natural disaster. a) high-ranking b) wealthy c) regional
b) wealthy
It's taking me a while to _____________ late. (wake up)
to get used to waking up
I was a pilot for years, but I retired last week. I __________ so much free time. (not / having)
I am not used to having
She ______ (have) more friends if she _______ (be) more friendly.
She would have more friends if she were more friendly. She would have had more friends if she had been more friendly.
I tried hard to _________ of ________ was the right answer for that question. a) make sense / what b) generate / sensed c) came up with / wealthy
make sense / what
If you ______ (tell) her before, she _________ (understand) you better at that time.
had told / would have understood
Out of a sudden, Ross _________ a _______ idea! a) made sense / sensed b) came up with / brilliant c) generated / wealthy
b) came up with / brilliant
In the series, he plays a very _______ man who can't focus on his career. a) traumatic b) distracted c) sensitive
b) distracted
You should be _____ to deal with hard situations, so that you can succeed later. a) wealthy b) content c) sensible
c) sensible
If you _____ (have) a pet, what ______ you ______ (do) to please it?
If you had a pet, what would you do to please it?