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Comparatives & Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Howler monkeys _____ land animals. (noisy)
are the noisiest
_____ spider in the world can eat birds! (big)
The biggest
The seahorse _____ fish in the world. (slow)
is the slowest
The Indo-Pacific sailfish _____ fish in the world. (fast)
is the fastest
The blue whale _____ animal in the world. (heavy)
is the heaviest
_____ bird in the world is only 5.5 cm long. (small)
The smallest
Asia _____ Europe. (large)
is larger than
Silver _____ gold. (cheap)
is cheaper than
Some human bones _____ steel. (strong)
are stronger than
New York City _____ Los Angeles. (big)
is bigger than
Mount Everest _____ Mount Kilimanjaro. (high)
is higher than
The Mississippi River _____ the Nile River. (long)
is longer than
Neptune _____ Jupiter. (small)
is smaller than
Which _____ room in your house? (nice)
is the nicest
Who _____ person in your family? (old)
is the oldest
Who _____ pupil in your class? (tall)
is the tallest
Form a superlative sentence using TALL
Henry is the tallest.
Form a superlative sentence using YOUNG
Laura is the youngest.
Form a superlative sentence using HEAVY
Henry is the heaviest.
Form a superlative sentence using SHORT
Laura is the shortest.
Form a superlative sentence using OLD
Philip and Henry are the oldest.
Laura / Briana (tall)
Briana is taller than Lucy.
Laura / Briana (thin)
Laura is thinner than Briana.
Henry / Briana (young)
Briana is younger than Henry.
Philip / Henry (heavy)
Henry is heavier than Philip.
Philip / Henry (short)
Philip is shorter than Henry.
Philip / Laura (old)
Philip is older than Laura.