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Present Perfect or Present Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Bakers (be) _______ in New York for 3 months.
have been
I’m sorry the car is not here. I (just sell) ______________ it.
have just sold
How many times _________ you (see) ___________him since he went to Edinburgh?
have / seen
We (not begin) ___________ to study for the test yet.
haven't begun
Last night Tom……………………. (sleep) very well.
The phone……………………. (ring) at midnight last Sunday.
What ........... you ………. (do) yesterday?
did / do
I (have) ……………………. a little trouble with my car last week.
Up to now, Hoa (work) _______________ very hard.
has worked
I (see) ______ that film several times because I like it.
have seen
Mr. Green (teach) ____________ French since he left London in 1997.
has taught
I (live)_________in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.
have lived
He (wear) _________ the same coat since he (move) ___________ here.
has worn / moved
Bob (see) ................. this movie before
hasn't seen
.........you (speak) ………………….. English?
Do / speak
She (not study) ………………….. on Friday
doesn't study