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E8 Health matters

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The doctor told me to relax more and a... stressful situations.
My cat is too fat, I think he needs to l.... w....
lose weight
The doctor gave me a p.... for some antibiotics.
The Covid pandemic might stop when everyone gets a v...
vaccine / vaccination
If I were you, I'd g... u... smoking, it's really bad for you.
give up
You should see the dentist immediately if you have a t...
My cousin is a... to chocolate. She eats it every day!
I'm sorry to hear you're ill. I hope you g... w... soon.
get well
The doctor e... him carefully and said he needed an operation.
Put a hat and scarf on, you don't want to c... a cold and spend the weekend in bed!
I think you should c... d... on sugar, you eat too many sweets!
cut down
Some people believe that ice cream is good for a s... t...
sore throat
I can't eat nuts, I'm a... to them.
You should take some syrup for your c...
Coronavirus attacks the l... and makes it hard to breathe.
There are 206 b... in the human body.
It wasn't a good idea to spend 10 hours on the beach, now you have an awful s...
Quick, call the a..., there's been a car accident!
I've got a strong p... in my chest - do you think it's a heart attack?
Our best player was i... in the last match - he's broken his leg.
I always sneeze a lot in the summer, I have h... f...
hay fever
I think I've eaten too much of that cake, now I f.... s....
feel sick
This parking space is for d... people only.
This mosquito b.... on my arm is very itchy.