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Celebrations and Holidays

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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define: New Year's eve
it's a night when...
Define: Valentine's day
it's a day when...
Define: Mother's day
it's a day when...
Define: Summer
It's a season when...
it's the season when kids in The U.S go back to school after vacation
(Before/after) midnight, Colombians usually open presents on Christmas
The most famous Thanksgiving dessert is pumpkin (cake/pie).
One of the main Halloween traditions involves wearing (costumes/outfits).
Independence Day is a day when families have a (picnic/food) or a barbecue.
April Fools' Day is not really a holiday - it's more of a day when people play (tricks/funny) on friends or family
Many cities around the world have St. Patrick's Day (marching/parades). The biggest ones are in New York, Savannah (Georgia), and Dublin.
Many couples go out on romantic (dates/meetings) on Valentine's Day.
The day before Christmas is called "Christmas " (Eve/Evening).
Hey, we just finished moving in to our new place. We're having a (house moving/ housewarming) party next week!
A dinner when everyone brings food is called a (polite/potluck) dinner
potluck dinner
We're ( making/having) a party next Saturday.
we're having a party next saturday
An informal way of saying "they got married" is "they tied the-------
When they got engaged, he gave her a beautiful -------------
engagement ring