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Mistakes at KET 3&4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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These are the boys' pencils.
This sentence does not have mistakes!
My parents car was bougth by my sister.
My parent'S car was bougHT by my sister.
This is the boy bike’s, I want one similar to it.
This is the boy'S bike, I want one similar to it.
England is a beautiful city. Its a interesting place because it's a old.
England is a beautiful city. It'S AN interesting place because it's old.
We have used an uniform for the meeting.
We have WORN A uniform for the meeting.
I went to party last night. It was an university party.
I went to A party last night. It was A university party.
Men hoodies’ are on the second floor.
This does not have mistakes!
Diego’s and Edward's collage is near to the coffee shop.
Diego and Edward's collage is near to the coffee shop.
Octavio’s brother is twelve years old.
This does not have mistakes!
The childrens dwelling’ in the city.
The children's dwelling is in the city.
Look, this is Hector, she’s Janeth friend.
Look, this is Hector, she’s Janeth'S friend.