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have got/has got

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Translate: On nie ma super mocy.
He hsna't got super powers.
Give a short answer: Has he got a laptop?
No, he hasn't. He's got a mobile phone.
Give a short answer: Has she got a cupcake?
Yes, she has.
Translate: On ma krótkie ramiona.
He's got short arms.
Make a negative: He's got a big bed.
He hasn't got a big bed.
Translate: Ten kot nie ma długiego ogona.
This cat hasn't got a long tail.
Translate: Czy on ma okulary przeciwsłoneczne (sunglasses)?
Has he got sunglasses?
Make a question: He's got a nice scarf.
Has he got a nice scarf?
Make a negative: He's got a lovely smile.
He hasn't got a lovely smile.
Translate: Czy ona ma duże oczy?
Has she got big eyes?
Translate: Czy oni majÄ… dyniÄ™
Have they got a pumpkin?
Translate: Czy on ma kapelusz?
Has he got a hat?
translate: On ma smutne oczy.
He's got sad eyes.
Make a negative: She has got a new bag.
She hasn't got a new bag.
Make a question: She has got a delicious cake.
Has she got a delicious cake?
Make a question: You have got a cute cat.
Have you got a cute cat?