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Birthday stuff

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You have a special Birthday Dance-show us!
What is he doing?
wrapping a present
Name 3 horrible things to eat on your birthday
frog's legs, a dead spider, chicken feet
Name 3 fun games to play on your birthday
Happy birthday to you, You live in a zoo, You ______ like a ______, and you smell like one too.
you look like a monkey
What is it? T H R I B Y A D D R A C
birthday card
Mime it! What do you want for your next birthday present?
Lip Sync it! When's your birthday-can we guess?
Name 3 famous people that you want to invite to your birthday party
Susan, Susan, and Susan
Find a photo of the perfect birthday cake-look online, then share it!
Draw a really fun thing to do on your birthday
Look in your room-find a birthday present!
Mime the most boring thing to do on your birthday
Draw the best birthday present you ever got
How fast can you sing the Happy Birthday song? 3.2.1....go!
Phew, that was fast!
What's the most disgusting thing you can put inside a birthday cake?
a dead mouse
Name 3 really amazing birthday presents
a phone, chocolate, photograph of Susan
You put these on a birthday cake- what are they? S L A N D E C
It's Susan's birthday! What present are you going to buy for her?
Something very expensive .-D
Name 3 really boring places to have your birthday party
in a library, in a hospital, in Susan's house
Name 3 things you can eat at a birthday party
cake, pizza, fried chicken
Name 3 people you DON'T want to come to your birthday party?
Susan, Susan, Susan ;-)