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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He is ___________ man I ___________. (handsome,ever,see)
He is the most handsome man I have ever seen.
to watch online
kind,type of movie or book
a book or film that is very successful
unlucky and unsuccessful
I have ________ had breakfast. This is my habit.
This is the third time I _____________ the same movie.
have watched / seen
I _________ haven't completed my project.
Participle forms of these verbs? sell-teach-buy-draw
Participle forms of these verbs? hear-spend-catch-see
She / finish /the laundry / just
She has just finished the laundry
watch / for / TV / hours / Matt / two
Matt has watched TV for two hours.
five / Mike / read / so / books / far
Mike has read five books so far.
my / I / see / not / three months /for / sister
I haven't seen my sister for three months.
appear / not / he / since / on / TV / 2005
He hasn't appeared on TV since 2005.
call / his / Tom / several / girlfriend / times
Tom has called his girlfriend several times.
recently / not / hear / from / I / her
I haven't heard from her recently.
never / along / they / each / get / with / other
They have never got along with each other.
they / last / since / marry / summer
They have been married since last summer.
adjectives about fighting or killing
bloody or violent
I'll pay
It's my treat
I hate
I can't stand / I can't take
a lot of
a bunch of