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2BACH total review 2 (culture/presentations)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the idiom "sticky fingers" mean?
That you steal things
What does the idiom "wet blanket" mean?
a person who isn't fun and makes a situation bad or boring
What is the name of my home town, and what costume does everyone wear during the annual Christmas celebration?
Reno/Santa Costumes
What area of science did Margarita Salas study?
biochemistry & molecular genetics
What does STEM stand for?
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Which organization adopted International Women's Day as an official celebration in 1975?
The United Nations
What did Chad Johnson legally change his name to?
Chad Ochocinco
What is the name of this influential athlete?
Billie Jean King
What is the name of this film, which was famous for its use of color 'tinting'
What was the name for the first movie theaters where people could see short films for 5 cents?
A Nickelodeon
What is the word for a person who steals from a store? (crime presentation)
A Shoplifter
In which country is it common to eat KFC for Christmas dinner?
What is the name of this Thanksgiving food?
Pumpkin Pie
What is the name of this Thanksgiving food?
Americans typically watch 2 things on television on Thanksgiving. Name them
Football and the Thanksgiving Day Parade
What day of the week is Thanksgiving always on?
What is the name of these people?
Count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Franken Berry, are all types of what Halloween food?
What is the name of this Halloween treat?
Candy Corn
What is the name of this Halloween game?
Bobbing for apples
Samhain was the original name for which celebration/holiday?