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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_______ you a clown? - No, ___________
Are, I'm not.
______ they spies? - Yes, ___________
Are, they are.
_____ it sunny? No, __________
Is, it isn't
______ she a dancer? Yes, ____________.
Is, she is.
______ he a clown? No, ____________.
Is, he isn't
______ you a pirate? Yes, ____________.
Are, I am.
It _____ (not) a dog. It _____ a cat.
isn't, is
They ________ (not) boxes. They _________ clothes.
aren't, are
We _____ (not) monkeys. We ______ kangaroos.
aren't, are
She _______ (not) a queen. She _____ a dancer.
isn't, is
He _____ (not) a dancer. He ____ a pirate.
isn't, is
I ______ (not) a spy. I ______ a queen.
am not, am
They ______ crowns.
We ___ pirates.
He ____ a clown.
I _____ a king.