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Answering WHEN questions with GIFs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When do you take out the garbage?
When it is full/garbage day
When do people use an umbrella?
When it's raining
When do people wash their cars?
When the cars are dirty.
When do people carve pumpkins?
At Halloween time/Fall
When do people mow the lawn?
When the grass gets long.
When do we erase something?
When we've made a mistake.
When do we say please?
When we are asking for something.
When do we say thank you?
After someone gives us something or does something nice for us.
When do we say "I'm sorry"?
After we hurt someone or do something wrong
When do we use a napkin?
When our face is dirty/when eating
When do we use a flashlight?
When it's dark.
When does it snow?
in the winter
When do we carry a backpack?
When we are going to school/etc
When do we use a spoon?
When we are eating cereal/soup/ice cream etc.
When do we use a towel?
after a bath/shower/when we need to dry off
When do we say the pledge of allegiance?
every morning at school
When do we wear a seatbelt?
When we are riding in a car/vehicle
When do we wear pajamas?
At nighttime/bedtime/when we are sleeping
When do people wear boots?
When it is snowy/winter/raining
When do people use a fan?
When it is hot
When do you use a tissue?
When you need to blow your nose.
When do people blow out candles on a cake?
on their birthday.
When do people get presents?
on their birthday/Christmas/etc
When does Santa come?
at Christmas
When do people plug their ears?
When something is too loud
When does the mail come?
every day, Monday-Saturday, afternoons/etc
When do people call 911?
When there is an emergency.
When do fire trucks turn on the sirens?
When there is an emergency
When do people laugh?
When something is funny.
When do babies cry?
When they are tired/sick/hungry/etc
When do we knock on a door?
When we want to come in/When we want to visit someone
When do people sweep the floor?
When it is dirty
When should people wash their hands?
After using the bathroom/before cooking or eating/when they are dirty
When should people wear a helmet?
When they are riding a bike/scooter/skateboard/etc
When do people wear a life jacket?
when they are in the water/in a boat
When do people go to bed?
at night/when they are tired
When do people drink water?
When they are thirsty
When do people eat lunch?
at noon/lunchtime/etc
When do people eat breakfast?
in the morning
When do people need to wake up?
in the morning