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Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Contin ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ............... (have) my dog for sixteen years.
have had
Lucy ................ (run) 2000 metres today.
has run
Sorry about the mess! I ................ (bake).
have been baking
Iona is exhausted these days. She ................ (work) too hard recently.
has been working
She ............... (drink) ten glasses of water!
has drunk
We ..................... (play) this game for about ten minutes.
have been playing
I ................. (learn) salsa. I want to be able to dance soon.
have been learning
I ...................... (read) 'War and Peace' by Leo Tolstoy. I'm not sure I will ever finish it.
have been reading
We ................ (travel) to Thailand three times.
have travelled
I ................ (read) three chapters of this book so far.
have read
I'm sure we .................... (play) this game before. I know it!
have played
We ............... (go) to the same restaurant on Sunday for 10 years.
have been going
They ............... (build) a new sports centre near my house. It's really good! I went there last week.
have built
My English teacher ................ (live) here for the past two years. He will move soon.
has been living
I .............. (learn) fifty new words since the start of this course.
have learned
J. K. Rowling ............ (write) seven Harry Potter stories.
has written
They ............... (build) a new shopping centre near my house. I'll be convenient when it's finished.
have been building
My grandmother ............... (live) here all her life.
has lived
I .............. (learn) English since I was at primary school.
have been learning
J. K. Rowling .............. (write) books since the 1990s.
has been writing