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Answer WHO questions about these GIFs

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is ringing the bell?
the boy
Who is dancing?
the women
Who is happy?
the boy
Who is fixing the car?
the men
Who is chasing a goat?
The girl(s)
Who is falling?
the girl
Who is cheering
the children
Who is skipping?
the children
Who is taking pictures?
the man
Who is taking a selfie?
the man
Who is wearing a hat?
the kid/girl
Who is washing dishes?
the boy/man
Who is looking in the mailbox?
the woman
Who is jumping?
all of the people
Who is wearing glasses?
the boy
Who is at the table?
a family
Who is in the wagon?
a little boy
Who is throwing water?
the little boy
Who is holding a pumpkin?
the man
Who wants to eat?
the man and woman
Who is holding the baby?
the woman
Who was under the blanket?
the dog
Who is climbing?
the panda
Who is reading?
the cat
Who is fishing?
the man
Who is cooking?
Donald Duck
Who is riding a skateboard?
the turtle
Who is coloring?
The girl and a man
Who is working in the garden?
the boy
Who is shopping?
the woman
Who fell in the pool?
The puppy