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Renaissance Review

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Why is Leonardo da Vinci known as the ultimate "Renaissance Man?"
He was skilled in many different areas (science and the arts).
From the paintings in the picture, identify which painting is from the Renaissance and which is from the Middle Ages.
Left = Renaissance Right= Middle Ages
Why did the Renaissance start in Italy?
location - connected to many trade routes (especially Silk Road), spread ideas through trade. Successful/rich area due to trade and climate.
During the Middle Ages, European society was organized in a system called _________
List 3 important discoveries/advancements during the Renaissance
Scientific Method, Earth is not centre of Universe, printing press, clocks, better study of anatomy, telescope, literature (Shakespeare), architecture (Duomo)
The Renaissance borrowed many ideas, philosophies and architecture from the classical civilizations of Ancient ______ and ______.
Greece, Rome.
Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1468, the ______ _____ helped spread the ideas of the Renaissance to the masses. It increased literacy and education became more available to the masses.
printing press
A ___-______ is a politically independent city and the rural area surrounding it
The 3 largest Italian city-states were ________, ________, ________
Venice, Genoa, Florence
The __________ were a series of religious wars between 1095 – 1291 between Christians and Muslims in order to regain holy land.
_____ ______ was a German Monk who began the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century after posting his criticisms (95 Theses) of the Catholic church on the door of a chapel. His main issue was with indulgences (paying to absolve sins).
Martin Luther
The ___ ____ was an ancient trade network that stretched from China to the Mediterranean.
Silk Road
The _____ ______ was one of the largest pandemics in Europe. It raged throughout Europe from 1347 and 1351, where an estimated 25 million people died. (~ 1/3 of entire population).
Black Death/Bubonic Plague
_______ is a system of thought that centres around humans and our potential, values and worth. Science, art, architecture and literature are important, and life on Earth has value.
The __________ was the time period in Europe roughly between the 1400s-1600s. It was a "rebirth" of classical ideas from Ancient Rome and Greece. There was a rekindling of art, science and discovery.
The ____ _____ were a powerful banking family in Florence and were patrons of the arts.
Medici Family