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Proper Nouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Garret Morgan saw the traffic problem.
Garret Morgan
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: I want to study at Dunya School.
Dunya School.
Find a proper noun for restaurant
Find a proper noun for country
Find a proper noun for mother
Find a proper noun for shopping mall
Find a proper noun for store
Find a proper noun for city
Find a proper noun for teacher
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: It is Christmas.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: It is Thanksgiving.
Find all the Proper Noun in the sentence: Today is Tuesday, February 14
Tuesday, February
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: We will have lots of fun on Saturday.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: I do not go to school in July.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Today is Thursday.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Next Monday will be my birthday.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Here comes the band from Crest School.
Crest School
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Will nick sing with the band?
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: The band will play in New York City.
New York City
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: “I play the drums,” said Chan.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Miss Ann has a good band there.
Miss Ann
Find all the Proper Nouns in the sentence: Al and Pam go to the Banks School.
Al, Pam, Banks School
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: She used to live in Baku.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Pam will be in the show, too.
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Miss Winn wants to put on a show.
Miss Winn
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Go past Red Duck Pond to get to it.
Red Duck Pond
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: It’s on Frank Street.
Frank Street
Find the Proper Noun in the sentence: Where is the Land School?
Land School
Which is a Proper Noun? ball Rick car