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2nd conditionals

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She____________________ (call) him if she___________________ (have) his number.
would call ; had
We__________________ (come) to dinner if we__________________ (have) time.
would come ; had
We__________________ (buy) a house if we__________________ (decide) to stay here.
would buy ; decided
She _________________ (be) happier if she____________________ (have) more friends.
would be ; had
If she________________ (pass) the exam, she________________ (be) able to enter university.
passed ; would be
If we _______________ (live) in Mexico, I __________________ (speak) Spanish.
lived ; would speak
If I _______________ (speak) perfect English, I__________________ (have) a good job.
spoke ; would have
If we______________ (win) the lottery, we_________________ (travel) the world.
won ; would travel
If I ______________(have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) a big house.
had ; would buy
If he_______________ (get up) up earlier, he__________________(get) to work on time.
got up ; would get
If you _____________(give) me a coin, I _________________(buy) an ice cream.
gave ; would buy
If you ________________(help) me, I __________________(finish) earlier.
helped ; would finish
I ________________(call) him if I ________________(know) his number.
would call ; knew
I______________(go) to the beach if I _________________(have) a swimsuit.
would go ; had
If it ____________(snow) , we _______________(build) a snowman.
snowed ; would build
If I _____________(have) more money, _____________(travel)more
had ; would travel