Edit Game
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the mistake: He is runing very fast.
He is running very fast.
Correct the mistake: Is you reading a book?
Are you reading a book?
a rope/the girl/skip
The girl is skipping a rope.
listen / to the radio/we / not/ now
We aren't listening to the radio.
not/ walk /the dog /at the moment/ he
He isn't walking the dog at the moment.
Correct the mistake: Mia isn’t reading a horse.
Mia isn’t riding a horse.
Correct the mistake: Are he helping his dad?
Is he helping his dad?
Correct the mistake: They is doing their homework.
They are doing their homework.
Correct the mistake: I am plaing the violin.
I am playing the violin.
Correct the mistake: The birds is singing.
The birds are singing.
Correct the mistake: Jim is takeing a bath.
Jim is taking a bath.
Correct the mistake: She is siting on the floor.
She is sitting on the floor.
teeth/brush/she/her / not
She isn't brushing her teeth.
a shower/ take /Mark/ in the / bathroom / ?
Is Mark taking a shower in the bathroom?
lie/on / the / floor/ it
It is lying on the floor.
in / living room/ my / coffee/ drink / aunts / / the
My aunts are drinking coffee in the living-room.
I __________ (drive) a car.
I am driving a car.
The cat ____________ (chase) the mouse.
The cat is chasing the mouse.
________________ (they / clap) their hands?
Are they clapping their hands?
I ______________ Maths. (learn)
I am learning Maths.
about/ they /talk / the weather /?
Are they talking about the weather?
I (not / have fun) __________________ now.
I'm not having fun now.
write/to his friend/ he / an e-mail / not
He isn't writing an email to his friend.
Jack ________________ in his bed. (sleep)
is sleeping