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Lady Gaga Quiz

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When was her first performance?
Her first performance was in her 1st-grade play. She made her own costume out of tinfoil and hangers.
How did Lady Gaga learn how to play piano?
Lady Gaga taught herself to play piano by ear when she was just four years old.
What are some of Gaga’s famous friends?
Perez Hilton, Beyoncé, Elton John and Katy Perry
What's her first album?
"The Fame"
What's Lady Gaga's hair real color?
What's Lady Gaga's eyes' color?
"I love this record baby, but I can't see straight anymore" are lyrics from which song?
Just Dance
At what age did Lady GaGa begin working with "Interscope Records"?
This song, was Lady GaGa's first American single. It is from "The Fame" album?
Just Dance
What is Lady GaGa's birth name?
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta