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Will vs. Going to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think we ________ (play) football later today. It's too cold to be outside!
won't play
Be careful! If you don't study, you _________ (pass) the exam!
are not going to pass
The teacher is ill, so we __________ (not have) lessons today.
are not going to have
I think I ___________ (not like) this film. I heard it's very violent.
won't like
Don't worry about the umbrella. I checked the weather and it __________ (not rain)
is not going to rain
This weekend, I ___________ (not watch) the football match. I have too much homework!
am not going to watch
I think that in the future, people ________ (not drive) cars.
won't drive
Can you hear that thunder? It ________ (rain)!
is going to rain
In the future, I think a lot of people ________ (live) in skyscrapers
will live
My sister bought eggs, milk and sugar. She _________ (make) a cake!
is going to make
On my birthday, we _________ (eat) in a Mexican restaurant
are going to eat
I've never been to that swimming pool, but I think it _______ (be) fun!
will be
When you you're at university you _______ (know) what's hard work!
will know
Do you like my guitar? I can't play it yet, but I _____ (learn) next year.
am going to learn
I think it ______ (rain). I _______ (take) the umbrella.
will rain / am going to take
Hurry up, it's six o'clock already. We ______ (miss) the bus!
are going to miss
Would you like tea or coffee? I think I ______ (have) coffee
will have