Edit Game
Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the sentence: A laptop computer was given to every members of the staff who requested one.
A laptop computer was given to every member of the staff who requested one.
Correct the sentence: This company has designed hundreds of software program over the past several years.
This company has designed hundreds of software programs over the past several years.
Correct the sentence: The professor said that every student have to turn in the assignment by Friday.
The professor said that every student has to turn in the assignment by Friday.
Correct the sentence: Each of the students in this course need to be prepared to do a presentation.
Each of the students in this course needs to be prepared to do a presentation.
Correct the sentence: They discovered that there was a problem with one of the computer in the language lab.
They discovered that there was a problem with one of the computers in the language lab.
Correct the sentence: They sent the information to several of the faculty member.
They sent the information to several of the faculty members.
Correct the sentence: A number of university student were at the event.
A number of university students were at the event.
I hope you have a tremendous/tremendous success.
I hope you have tremendous success.
They made a great/great progress.
They made great progress.
Correct the sentence: Thanks for all your advices.
Thanks for all your advice.
Correct the sentence: That's a really good news.
That's really good news.
Correct the sentence: They gave us so many informations.
They gave us so much information.
so much issues or a number of issues?
a number of issues
too much stuff or too many stuffs?
too much stuff
a news or a piece of news?
a piece of news
numerous challenges or a great deal of challenges?
numerous challenges
so few or so little things?
so few things
so much or so many ideas?
so many ideas
Make a sentence with the word "research"
Make a sentence with the word "evidence"
Make a sentence with the word "proof"
Make a sentence with the word "knowledge"
I have so _____ work to do.
I have so much/little work to do.
I have so _____ projects to do.
I have so many/few projects to do.
Make a sentence with the word "news"
Make a sentence with the word "equipment"
Make a sentence with the word "furniture"
Make a sentence with the word "stuff"
There is very little _____.
I have a little bit of _____.
There is a great deal of _____.
There are a few _____.
We have several _____.
I have so many _____.
He has very few _____.
They have so much _____.
She has a number of _____.
Make a sentence with the word "advice"
Make a sentence with the word "information"
She gave me advice. (suggestion)
She gave me a suggestion.
She gave me a suggestion. (advice)
She gave me advice/some advice/a piece of advice.