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Demonstrative Pronouns

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did you and your family stay at this/that hotel in Tokyo?
Did you and your family stay at that hotel in Tokyo?
How many of these/those cookies would you like? Two? OK, here you are.
How many of these cookies would you like? Two? OK, here you are.
That/Those was a difficult test we had last week.
That was a difficult test we had last week.
My umbrella is right here. This/That_________ is my umbrella.
My umbrella is right here. This is my umbrella.
Maybe we should ask this/that policeman over there for directions.
Maybe we should ask that policeman over there for directions.
Are these/those your books over there on the table?
Are those your books over there on the table?
Hello, Dr. Smith. Could you please look at this/that cut on my finger?
Hello, Dr. Smith. Could you please look at this cut on my finger?
Look at these/those birds up there in the tree.
Look at those birds up there in the tree.
Those/These are my mother's earrings.
Those are my mother's earrings.
Are those/ these your pencils here?
Are these your pencils here?
Is that / those your hat on the table? It isn't mine.
Is that your hat on the table? It isn't mine.
(Those/These) are my brother's toys.
These are my brother's toys.
(This/That) is my best friend.
This is my best friend.
(That/These) is a strawberry cake.
That is a strawberry cake.
(These/Those) are colourful pens. I like them!
These are colourful pens. I like them!
(This/That) baked potato looks amazing.
This baked potato looks amazing.
(Those/These) cookies are delicious!
These cookies are delicious!
(Those/These) are apples.
Those are apples.
(This/These) is the year we’ll win the championship!
This is the year we’ll win the championship!
(Those/This) students over there are my friends.
Those students over there are my friends.
(That/Those) store across the street sells clothes.
That store across the street sells clothes.
(These/Those) books right here are mine.
These books right here are mine.
(This/That) car over there is the best one.
That car over there is the best one.
(These/This) are the shoes I like.
These are the shoes I like.