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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the steps to use the washing machine?
Sort clothes, put into washer, add correct amount of detergent, select the cycle, press start.
What are some healthy ways we can get some exercise?
Go for a walk, work on the lawn, swim, play games and sports, dance, etc.
What things do we have to do to take care of our pets?
Give them food and water, take them out to go potty, change the litter, go for walks, give them baths, etc.
What are some things you need in order to clean the bathroom?
Bathroom cleaner, gloves, toilet brush, paper towels, windex, mop, etc.
When scheduling a trip with ViaTrans, you should:
Call at least the day before
Call 3-4 hours before your trip
After I touch raw meat, I should:
Wash hands
Gather my other ingredients
Begin cooking
When cooking, the first thing I should do is:
Wash hands
Chop my ingredients
Turn the stove on
Taste test the ingredients
What are some things we can wear for a job interview?
If a stranger offers you money or gifts it's ok to accept it. True or false?
What are some things we can do to be safe with police?
Stay calm, Politely answer questions, Don't move too quickly or get too close, don't reach in pockets, follow their instructions, carry an ID card or bracelet
Who are some people in the community you can trust if you need help?
Police, doctors, nurses, security guards, firefighters, store workers, people you already know
What should you do if a stranger is making you feel uncomfortable?
Move away from uncomfortable people or situations, try to stay in groups when out in public, get help from someone you know is safe.
What ingredients do I need to make chicken salad?
Canned chicken, mayo, your choice of fillings
It's a good idea to scrub the sink with soap and water after washing dishes.
You can use this soap to wash clothes.
You can put knives facing up in the dishwasher so they can be washed. True or false?
When washing dishes, you can leave knives in a sink full of water so it can be cleaned later. True or false?
If a knife is falling off the counter, should you:
Let it fall
Try to catch it before it falls
It is ok to put foil-wrapped food into the microwave. True or false?
What are some things I need to go on a hike outside?
Water, sunscreen, tennis shoes, cell phone...
What do I need to do to let the bus driver know I want to get off the bus?
-Pull the yellow cord
Yell "This is my stop!"
Knock on the window
Stay quiet
What ingredients do you need to make a sandwich?
What are some things you can find in the produce section of the grocery store?
Should you look at a person's eyes when you talk to them?
How often should we use deodorant?
At least once a day
How often should we brush our teeth?
2-3 times a day!