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* Animals ESL (hard)

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the fastest land animal
sea animal with huge tusks, related to the seal
Walrus (hải mã)
bird of prey feeding chiefly on dead bodies
Vulture (chim kền kền)
large bird
Turkey (gà tây)
large sea-fish of the mackerel family
Tuna (cá ngừ)
moves slowly and lives in trees
defends itself by squirting out an bad smelling liquid
Skunk (chồn hôi)
has a head like a horse
North American animal, with a striped, bushy tail
Raccoon (gấu trúc bắc Mỹ)
covered with long quills,  larger than a hedgehog
Porcupine (con nhím)
type of bear found near the North Pole (Arctic)
Polar Bear (gấu Bắc cực)
noted for its magnificent tail-feathers
Peacock (con công trống)
type of large deer found in North America
Moose (nai sừng tấm Bắc Mỹ)
very large, flat sea fish with wing-shaped fins
Manta Ray
South American animal in the camel family
Llama (lạc đà không bướu)
shellfish with large claws
Lobster (tôm hùm)
Australian tree-climbing animal
Koala (gấu túi)
bird that can not fly, found in New Zealand
Kiwi (chim kivi)
animal with a howl which sounds like human laughter
Hyena (linh cẩu)
small brown prickly-backed animal
Hedgehog (con nhím)
largest type of ape
Gorilla (khỉ gôrila)
insect which jumps and makes a noise by rubbing its wings
Grasshopper (châu chấu)
long-legged bird, pink or bright red in color
Flamingo (chim hồng hạc)
reddish-brown animal which looks like a dog
Fox (cáo)
Australian bird which cannot fly
Emu (đà điểu Úc)
the male of which sometimes has antlers
Deer (hươu, nai)
animal with long ears related to the horse
Donkey (con lừa)
an american puma
Cougar (loài báo cuga)
wild dog that lives in North America
desert aniaml with 1-2 humps on its back
Camel (lạc đà)
a large American kind of ox
Buffalo (bò Châu Mỹ)
animal noted for its skill in damming streams
Beaver (con hải ly)
burrowing animal of the weasel family
Badger (con lửng)
toothless with long noses, that feed on ants
Anteater (thú ăn kiến)