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present simple - continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I .......... (meet) Juan on Saturday.
I am meeting Juan on saturday.
not / like basketball / you / why ?
Why don’t you like basketball?
you / get up at the weekends / what time ?
What time do you get up at the weekends?
prefer / volleyball or tennis / Alberto
Does Alberto prefer volleyball or tennis?
your baby sister at the moment / look after / who ?
Who’s/Who is looking after your baby sister at the moment?
do / this evening / what / you ?
What are you doing this evening?
We ..................(sit) in the park at the moment.
We ’re sitting (sit) in the park at the moment.
I ................... (not believe) he’s telling the truth.
I don’t believe (not believe) he’s telling the truth.
Most weeks, Carlos.............(do) all his homework on time.
Most weeks, Carlos does (do) all his homework on time.
I ..................... (try) to tidy my room before Mario gets home today.
I ’m trying (try) to tidy my room before MArio gets home today.
Esperanza ............ (like) trap music
Esperanza likes (like) trap music
Juan and his cat ..................(come) to visit us tomorrow.
Juan and his cat are coming (come) to visit us tomorrow.
Ines usually ..............(go) to bed at about ten every day.
Ines usually goes (go) to bed at about ten every day.
I / want / learn / to play American football
I want to learn to play American football.
All cameras / work / in a similar way / I / think
All cameras work in a similar way, I think.
Berta / stay / with her brother / for the weekend
Berta is staying with her brother for the weekend.
We / do / our homework / for tomorrow
We’re doing our homework for tomorrow.
Esther/ run / the same route / every morning
Esther runs the same route every morning.
I usually ........ (have) lunch with a friend, but tomorrow ........ (have) lunch with my brother.
I usually have lunch with a friend, but tomorrow I’m having lunch with my brother.
My parents ........ (visit) some friends at the moment, so ............ (stay) with my grandma.
My parents are visiting some friends at the moment, so I’m staying with my grandma.
.........(have) my break now. Our teacher always .......... (give) us a break between lessons.
I’m having my break now. Our teacher always gives us a break between lessons.
..........(believe) all the stories in the news?
Do you believe all the stories in the news?
I ............(think) some video games are good for your brain, but I ........ (play) them very often.
I think some video games are good for your brain, but I don’t play them very often.
Juanjo .......... (run) for the school bus every morning because he ..............(wake up) in time.
Juanjo runs for the school bus every morning because he doesn’t wake up in time.